Invests in stocks!
- Everyone should learn how to invest, how to understand the right methods for each investment.
- Stocks always increase in the long-term, but to secure the investments we should to always increase our knowledge about stocks, the companies and about how to manage stocks portfolios.
- What one should do to increase the fortune in the long-term, never invest in stocks before one do the stock analysis. Understanding what to do is far more important than the investment itself.
- Why should one invest in stocks?
- How to invest in stocks?
- Are there other alternatives to invest in, instead of stocks?
- How should one start?
There are alot of questions that should be answered to make you comfortable with stock investments.
- Before investing in stocks,
we should understand important things that make stocks valuation higher in the long-term. - We should understand why stocks would increase even in future.
- In Sweden/Europe (maybe US) the uninvested money loose about 2% a year because of the inflation that the states create because of the increase of the money supply.
- We lose money value because we do not invest.
- In 10 years from now will the money loss become about 22% of its total value, that is why I always recommend investing in stocks or in valuable assets.
- Before investing in stocks:
Do researches about each stock (company), create the need able knowledge to invest for yourself. I would love to help when it is needed, so feel free to ask me. - There are several types of assets, but for me the stocks is one of the most valuable investments,
you should start with stocks and when you understand how the analyze the value in each company swish therefore to other assets investment, if you want to. - You could buy a house if you have the ability to,
but what I would say is that the market collapse will occur soon
(soon means, it could accur in approximately 1-4 years). - If you learn how to analyze the emerging stocks during this downturn, you will be able to create higher value when the market turn back towards the upturn.
What the new investors should do, to invest with lower risk?
You need to answer these questions to create a clear strategy.
- You have to understand why you want to invest.
- How long the investment-horisont will become.
- Decide what kind of risk (low or high) you do prefer.
- How to create a portfolio.
- Which markets will expands in the long run.
- Which markets do expand nowaday.
if you have a shortrun strategy. - How many markets you need to diversify
your investments in and why.