3 Recommendations to optimize the results of your portfolio
1. Choose a Strategy for the short run or long run.
2. Choose the best stocks that expands in expanding markets.
3. Choose stocks at atleast 11 diffrent companies in 6 different markets.
These points will help you create a good diversification in your stockportfolio.
If you really want to earn more money and become Economically Independent in the long run, learn to analyze better. If you want to earn more money, you will need to invest in the long run, you will also need to know which companies will increase in the coming years.
To analyze in the right way, check these informations,
If you want to have even less risk, diversify better:
- Analyze the right market (find expanding markets)
- Learn how to read the yearly- and quarterly reports.
- Find the best 10-20 companies in 10 different markets, invest in them
- Follow their- numbers and the increased value-creations per share.
These rekommendations goes for you who want to earn more money in the long run, check "AK-Model1" (AKM1) if you want to learn about the right indicators to analyze and valuate the equity of the shares.
Therefore, if you want to analyse better in the short and long run, then you will need to learn more about "AK1 Trading System" (AK1TS).